Each year MNC work with the Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) to offer a Prize Placement to a final year Master’s student who has a keen interest in neurological physiotherapy. At MNC we value the education of future physiotherapist’s, giving an individual the opportunity to work in a dedicated centre, that is passion about improving a patients functional outcome, and allowing them to see what is possible. The latest MMU student, was motivated and proactive in her own learning. Here is her account of her time at MNC.

Prize Placement

‘As a student nearing the completion of my physiotherapy degree, I applied for the MMU Prize Placement, and was successfully selected to complete my final placement at MNC. Coming into the placement, I had very little experience treating patients with neurological conditions and was unsure of what to expect from the placement. I knew the centre was run by an experienced team of Bobath therapists, but again as I had not seen the Bobath concept used clinically, it all seemed a bit of a mystery to me.

First Week

At the end of my first week of the placement, I was completely exhausted! I felt as though my brain, and hands, had been working overtime. All of the therapists had so much knowledge and experience which they were more than happy to share, but the complexity of the patients required a level of thinking I was completely novice to.

Over the remaining 3 weeks as I gained experience, I became more accustomed to the specialist assessments and treatments. Although I became used to some things, it never ceased to amaze me the way in which facilitating change in one part of the body could have such a significant affect in a completely different area.

Unique Experiences

Interacting with the patients and having the opportunity to see the same people on a regular basis was also hugely valuable. Everyone was more than happy for me to be involved in their sessions, which allowed me to really get to know the individuals and hear their unique experiences and stories.

Having the opportunity to complete my elective placement at MNC was beneficial in so many ways. Seeing first-hand what can be achieved when treating complex patients, and having the opportunity to learn from such expert therapists, has shown me a skill level in which I hope to reach in my future career’.